Tuesday, July 1, 2008


so what exactly is wrong with someone saying that McCain's military service doesnt necessarily qualify him to be president? (said by obama supporter, General Wesley Clark)... is it just the media highlighting every word or does someone out there actually think the the GENERAL was insulting all military veterans? This is fuggin stupid.


Chritre said...

Even Obama caved and denounced the comment. He said, "No one should ever devalue that service, especially for the sake of a political campaign, and that goes for supporters on both sides." WTF. I know he's being politically correct for the sake of his campaign, but can't someone have to balls to say, "Yah, I'm with Clark." I am thankful for the troops that are serving so I don't have to, but does fighting in a war mean you know ANYthing about running a country?! What Clark said wasn't even derogatory against McCain's service. But how dare he show anything but complete reverence and awe for combat experience. Even when he has plenty of his own... America, Fuck ya.

Mudge said...


chritre -- I think it's "america fuck yeah"... when u say "fuck ya"... it sounds like reverend wright... ;-)

Scott said...

actually its 'uhmericuh, fuck yeah'

Chritre said...

Hahaha. Oops. Uhmehrcuh.. Fuck yah!

Mudge said...

Uhmercuh, phukyeah.