Sunday, July 13, 2008


if we discover that there are aliens, will they be invited to compete in the Mr/Miss Universe contests?


Christian Gregory said...

Why not? If Ryan Seacrest can host the thing, I can't see why other intergalactic freaks can't participate.


Chritre said...

I'd still vote for the Martian, "hot" or not.

Scott said...

Alien worlds are unlikely to have such an abundance of water... the swimsuit competition would therefore be unfairly earth-centric... would it be eliminated or would the array of competitions be expanded?

Chritre said...

Hopefully it would be eliminated. Of course, I've been hoping for its elimination for 20 years, aliens or not.

Mudge said...

Eliminating the swimsuit competition? Huh? Why would anyone bother watching? I mean, why do they bother watching now?... The swimsuit competition is the one part of the show that has redeeming value!

To make the show less earth-centric, they could have a competition called "weird alien sex acts"...

Scott said...

does that mean that earthlings would also have to attempt "weird alien sex acts"

Chritre said...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(

Mudge said...

Yes, that's the idea... The earthlings would have to perform weird alien sex-acts on each other.... Mmmmmmmm, hot international models performing alien sex acts on each other. Now that's network programming I could get behind.... Uh huh huh huh, and get on top of.... He hehe eh he uuh huh huh huh.
