Tuesday, July 15, 2008


i need some advice: i know it would have been better to remove my funds from MFs and put it elsewhere before the market totally shit the bed, but should i do that now?? Buy some 6 month CDs or something?? feeling rather vaklempt about it.



Scott said...

like maybe in after summer and with a new president-elect, things will turn around a bit...

Mudge said...

I think at this point you should just ride it out. The market could lose another 5 percent, but i kinda think it's not worth it to go shifting things around now. Once things head back in the positive direction, that 5 percent will come back rather fast.

I've dropped prolly 15,000 bux in the last month or two... but it makes no sense to pull out as you get closer to the bottom.

Mudge said...

smokey bear says

Christian Gregory said...

Presidential elections, by the way, usually are a stimulus to the economy, what with the advertising spending and all.

Just in June, the market change in my portfolio was -12.5k. Ugh. But I've actually been doing better than the market--a lot better actually, so I can't complain too much.

I'm going to stay put, and then when things come back I might change some things. It's never wise to sell near the bottom--presuming that things come back.


Chritre said...

I don't really have any "investments," per se, or any "assets," or "money," but I do really think that a change in administration, no matter who it is, will give everyone renewed hope and the economy will improve. Hang in there.

Mudge said...

yer butee stank.

Mudge said...

Hey ButtPipe.