Tuesday, June 10, 2008

wheres chinny brahs blog

i wanna see it so he can bitch about his shoulder and his bulging disc in the neck... thats scary stuff. How does that happen?? It would be a bummer to me if its 'just one of those things' that happens when ya get older... cuz chinny brah has never strayed far from a high level of fitness... so its not like he got lazy and soft, then shoveling snow one day he fux up his back... the way the avg joe 6 pak gets back probs.


Mudge said...

Totally braaah...

Hey -- you know what would be really cool? If you put a link to ny blog(s) on your sidebar, just like I did fer yerz.

Yeah, where's Chin E. Braaah's blog?

Scott said...

you got it